$75 dollar monthly fee payable monthly or yearly for $900 a year.
Direct Access to our Nurse Practitioners specifically Kelly Schultz DNP
Same day appointments available with after hours phone line for 24 hour access. Save time wasted in urgent care or the ER. Most practices in the state of AZ have a 26 day wait for primary care!
Yearly Exam Included with Blood Draw Orders (blood work on site at home not covered but covered my Medicare and most insurances through Sonora or Lab Express)
Yearly EKG covered as well as routine medical needs Ear Wax Removal, Nail Clippings, Freezing moles, warts and lesions, Melanoma Test etc,
Unlimited Telemedicine Visits (Save time and stress with Telemedicine)
Will come to your home when needed!
If you are a commercial insurance patient meaning under 65 you can elect for catastrophic insurance only and save 1000’s a year in medical costs by going to a concierge practitioner.